On Sunday, October 23rd, The Kicks at Bowen Lake hosted the 1st Annual Foot Golf 9 Hole Scramble fundraiser. Twelve teams joined, and their registration fee as well as sponsorship for the event generated $2000 to go toward endowment for Rotary scholarships. 
We had a really great day of foot golf fun with lots of fundraising success.  So much thanks to share as this beautiful weekend came to a close.
Twelve teams joined us.  Their registration fees, along with some donations on site, generated $770 from teams.  We generated $1,800 from sponsors.  Prizes were given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.  Some donated back.  This leaves us with $1,765 in dollars generated for our scholarship endowment. Added to funds from the Tivoli Market, Rotary generated $2,000 for the scholarship endowment.  
There is a lot of thanks to share. We all worked together to make this event happen and I am grateful to you all.  I do have a few shout outs that need some special thanks.
Jeff and Rob.  Thank you so much for the leg work you did to get this arranged and organized.  
Julie. You did a ton of work designing the newspaper ad, promoting this event, getting sponsors, and the signs are beautiful.  Thank you for doing all of this. 
Mike, Matt, Rachel.  You brought your teams and played and that was awesome! Matt and his son took 3rd place!  Rachel came with three teams in tow.  And, Mike's team was having way too much fun.  What a great day to be outside with family and friends.  
Stefanie.  Thank you for making the registration form. 
Stacy.  Thank you for making the yellow ad that was used for the posters.  
Tracy.  You just do what you do and we love it!  I got a crash course on the square.  Thank goodness for Mike Adams!
Sponsors.  We have MANY of our Rotarians who sponsored through their business or recruited sponsors.  THANK YOU.  Without our sponsors, we would not have had this success.  
Our 1st and 2nd place winners were teams outside of Rotary which is very exciting.  They were happy to support us and had a great time doing it.